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May 12, 2021

TeamPlay Final Workshop 26-27th of May 2021

TeamPlay invites for an online workshop on energy/time/security tradeoffs in software engineering, multi-objective optimization, task coordination, and cyber-physical systems.

At the workshop, we will showcase the achievements of the project and discuss the challenges we faced. There will also be invited speakers and discussions with experts from a wide range of research institutions and companies.

The TeamPlay Project Final Workshop aims to disseminate the results from the project. It offers an opportunity to discuss insights from our research with invited experts and external participants.

The target group is researchers from academia and industry interested in energy/time/security tradeoffs in software engineering, multi-objective optimization, task coordination, cyber-physical systems and the possibilities for future collaboration.

The workshop is free and will be held online via Zoom.

More information on programme and sign up: https://event.sdu.dk/teamplay-workshop
